

 「すべての外国人は、宿泊施設に滞在する際にForm-Cを記入しなくてはならない。これは施設所有者に課せられた義務である」(参照)とされる。1939年制定の法令「Registration of Foreigners Act」なる法令が根拠になっているらしい。


  1. ” 外国人宿泊者には少々煩わしい「Form-C」。こんなに几帳面な習慣が植民地時代から引き継がれていることに驚く。”
    In Japan, any foreigner staying at a hotel have to show his or her Alien Registration Card (gaikokujin tourokusho). Not just a hotel, but in any official or unrelated work, we are asked to show our registration card.
    If Form C in India is a remnant of our colonial days, how about the foreigner registration card of Japan? What purpose does that serve?
    Japanese poeple have a habit of seeing India`s colonial past reflected in anything and everywhere, but conveniently ignore what they practise in their own country.

  2.  Right, even though it has its origin in the colonial days, there is a reason for it to survive. I agree with you.
    And I am well aware of “ Gaikokujin Torokusho” and it is even illegal without carrying it in handy when a foreign residents steps out of his / her residence. I don’t comment if it is reasonable.
    I am not complaining about the practice of the document in India.
    But what I mean is, some history maybe visible with certain type of document in the present society also.
    With some document, we can see something like that. Such as… in Korea, Taiwan, once occupied by Japanese for certain period of time. They use “ Koseki” the type of family register we do practice in Japan. This can’t be summarized as it reflects its colonial past, but now they have their own reason for having it, of course.
    Thank you very much for having read my short column, and I am glad to receive your comment.
    If there is something in future, please give your comment without a hesitation.

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